Our Story
A Message From Our Pastor
We are delighted that you’ve discovered us! JOY Metropolitan Community Church is a church created FOR and BY the LGBTQ+ community where ALL people are welcome. Here you are free to be as God created you. We are a growing spiritual community reaching out in God’s radically inclusive love. We desire to take the door off the church and take the church to the streets! We accomplish this by filling searching hearts, fighting for social justice, and feeding hungry people in our world!
We are a church on the move! Exciting things are happening here, and we’d love for you to participate. As you peruse the website, we hope you’ll discover ways to worship, connect, and find opportunities to be filled and informed. We worship on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am and 10:45 am, and we hope you’ll join us then or during our other programming opportunities throughout the week.
I pray that as you join us, you will discover a church passionate about sharing God’s love in a world in desperate need of it. We believe that there is absolutely nothing—no thing—that separates us from the love of God we have found in Jesus. If you are empty, I pray you will be filled here. If you are hungry, I pray that you will be fed here. If you need justice, I pray you find allies and accomplices here to fight WITH you. You are a beautiful creation of God, and we celebrate you here at Joy MCC.
Blessings to you on your journey, may you find JOY within it, and remember, LOVE WINS.
Rev. Terri Steed Pierce
Sr. Pastor JOY MCC
Tracing Joy MCC's Remarkable Journey
JOYMCC began in Rev. Art Flescher’s living room.
Purchased the Ferncreek Property
Created a food pantry and an annual thanksgiving food drive to feed those experiencing hunger in our community
Rev. Terri Steed Pierce began as Sr. Pastor
Began our global ministry in response to the COVID Global Pandemic.
JOY responds powerfully to insist that LOVE WINS after Pulse tragedy.
Discover JOY through our stories!
Here are some stories of faith, belonging, and transformation from those who call Joy MCC home.
The Staff of Joy MCC
Rev. Terri Steed Pierce
Senior Pastor
Rev. Alan Dicken
Pastor of Engagement
Alvin Giles
Director of Worship and Production
Megan Currie
Pastor of Virtual Connection